
Secure and Regulatory-Compliant
Digital Asset Custody Solutions

Key Highlights of the RigSec Custody Solutions


HSM with Built-in Policy Engine

Hardware Security Module (HSM) with built-in policy engine, ensuring private key security and governance policy enforcement.


Separated Authorization Workflow

Transaction authorization separated from cold storage access for better efficiency with uncompromised security and compliance.


Multi-Signature Approval

Fine-grained policies and multi-signature approval workflow mitigate cyber and insider threats.


One-Click Staking from Cold Storage

Staking with enterprise-level policy control while the private key kept in cold storage.


Round-the-Clock Support

Comprehensive one-stop hot/cold wallet solutions with fast turnaround and 24/7 local support in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, etc. to accelerate business growth.


Continuous Monitoring Service

Around-the-clock surveillance enhances security with powerful anti-risk capabilities.

Solving the Critical Pain Points of Digital Asset Custody

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    Vulnerabilities in private key management

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    Regulatory compliance complexities

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    Lack of standardized security protocols

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    Risk for hacking and cyber attacks

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    Operational inefficiencies in custody processes

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    Limited transparency and auditability

Experience Unrivaled Security and Compliance with RigSec’s Tailored Custody Solutions